Friday, March 25, 2016

Mardi Gras madness

So I decide to take 6 months to do an intensive underground study of the Mardi Gras in Springfield Massachusetts. The very first day was like every other first day at a strip club. The phone call to audition was intimidating because I take it the girls who usually call to audition have very little verbal skills, I brought a friend that also auditioned under the impression they needed girls to work. The hiring manager i met with was a woman and I hoped I could impress her easily. I met the manager on a Tuesday afternoon in the middle of a moderately slow day, yet the chaotic organisation was very apparent. After receiving what seemed like a rush tour of the club she offered me a space to change and a stage set to test my skills. I performed for the 3 minute set when she interrupted me and offered me a schedule. I went upstairs to the dressing room and began meeting the other girls. The girls who have the most questions are the less intimidating. They are always looking for someone to relate to. The girls who are not interested are the girls who make the most money doing the extras. I cant trust them because they try to get you to be like them immediately. I seen a couple of familiar faces from my previous club and the girls were saddened and frail.I felt compelled to spark up conversation about the new club but they both seemed not so comfortable bringing up rules.  I wasn't scared because I've been down this road before and fact of been down this road many times to know exactly what to expect however I was a little nervous because I had a high expectation of this being like the experience I had in Atlanta in 1999. This time I was prepared I had skills a wide varied amount of a set of skills I can bring to the table including but not limited to my ability to converse engage sell and upsell customers while maintaining a decent sense of being in non-compromising state. We were younger were much more impressionable about where we want to be in the things we want and how we choose to get there usually never leading many thoughts to the future while taking present actions that can be detrimental and I walked in asking to speak to the manager who I previously spoke to over the phone she assured me my interview and orientation would be short and sweet I did not know she would need me to work immediately nor would she be refusing a potential employee. After she hired me it was a very weird orientation that I was given because I didn't realize even had a champagne until the fourth day I worked there I noticed that there was a dramatic change in how they treat at the girls depending on the race and I don't mean to be the one to bring up race because it's an issue a feast myself my whole life I'd rather think of the positives of us being United as one unfortunately that's not how a lot of people think I wanted to negate the idea of what an African-American woman once and for the fact that I was educated worldly poised articulate business minded incredibly sexy and amazing dancer it made a wonderful rendition for with the club needed! I began by making the schedule for three days a week and eventually four days.

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