- Get an updated roster. It's important for you to know who is in the group, how you reach them and what roles they play, what their membership status is, etc.. There are several electronic and web tools to help you, such as spreadsheets, word processing documents etc.
- Get an email list group created. Communicating with the group is important and doing so easily without having to type in 50 emails each time will save you a lot of time. Getting a self-managed email group list will save you countless hours.
- Create a website. A website is important for messaging not only to the group but also to the broader community. It's a great way to let people know what's going on (future events, how to get involved, etc.), what the accomplishments are of the group so that you can strengthen the binds within the group and also to recruit more members. Again, try to stay away from solutions that require a webmaster to make any change. You may not have a webmaster in the group and plus, you don't want to bottleneck all of your activities through one person. Was it Worth It? Being a part of clubs is an important part of everyday life. Forming clubs does take effort but the payoff is clear. As an organizer, you might think it is a thankless job, but keep in mind, people wouldn't join and participate if they didn't see value in it.
The terrible true accounts of a modern day exotic entertainer and adult play facilitator.
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Start a Public Brand business (Fan Club)
My life in the sunshine
Embarrassing times at Ridgemont High
Positive Posts about Exotic Dancers
Wether you are using stripping to get ahead or go to college, or have been a dancer and moved forward with your life to a "real career", I want to hear your success stories.
Heres Mine:
I moved to Vegas about 5 years ago with $200.00 in my pocket, a backpack full of clothes and not much else. I left everything behind, I know it was risky but I was tired of my life. I was staying at the WILD WILD WEST (a scary hotel to say the least) until I was able to rent a room.
I got into dancing and camming, and havent looked back since!! I now have a steadyish lol income, a beautiful condo and my two doggies! I feel like I have accomplished so much in the past 5 years. Everytime I drive past the wild wild west I always remember where I came from and how much progress I have made. Thinking about those times where I cried in my hotel room because I didn't know what to do, or where I would end up always keeps me motivated.
Mine is a work in progress.. I moved out of my parents house at 17 and started dancing as soon as I turned 18. Already hard into drugs when I started dancing, I went through years of bullshit and drug abuse, and it has taken me a few years to get it together and realize my potential.
At this point, I am saving serious money, working towards setting myself up for my future with hopes of retirement and opening a business. I am also in college, getting my degree and most importantly, am 100% sober.
I have realized the potential of this business and am working six days a week putting money away. I have also realized that I LOVE the business. I love entertaining people and I love being in control of my life.
For myself, I am thankful to have gotten into the business, because I have learned sooooo much. I wouldn't necessarily promote the business for others, b/c you do sort of get thrown through the ringer, but it has turned into a blessing for me.
I then got enough money to live week by week at the local Motel 6. I did that until I got enough money to rent my own apt! I had saved up ALL the money I needed, and then someone stole it, all. I was DEVASTATED, but, I worked harder and made it all back and got my place!!
That was 13 years ago and I never have stopped dancing but I did learn web design and now run a very succesful web design company AND dance. I love it! I have a 9y/o lil man and things are wonderful!
Great thread! :)
Ditto :)
I quit my graduate program because I knew I didn't want to teach writing--I wanted to be a writer. So I started stripping and started using my free time to write.
So, the money I made stripping is allowing me to shift gears into a career that is in alignment with my talents and my life purpose.
I enrolled in a college down here and bought myself a new car and put what I could fit in my trunk and left. I had a three bedroom apartment when I left and my mother was supposed to keep my things for me until I got settled but my furniture got divved up among friends and relatives and ALL of the clothes I had there (like thousands and thousands of dollars worth) got stolen by her neighbor's teenage daughter when they moved. Fuck it! It's just stuff.
To be honest I had a rough time down here for a while, I feel behind in school and had two shitty relationships back to back but right now I really need to get back to where I used to be mentally when dancing was freeing and empowering.
I did get back in school and just got my 1st degree Monday of last week! Now I am enrolled in University and evern though I plan on working full time I still want to dance at least one night a week so I can save up for the deposit on a home and start a retirement fund and also do some traveling!
But my success story: Getting out of my crappy small town and moving to a city where I knew no one and making it against all odds!
I got into dancing and camming, and havent looked back since!! I now have a steadyish lol income, a beautiful condo and my two doggies! I feel like I have accomplished so much in the past 5 years. Everytime I drive past the wild wild west I always remember where I came from and how much progress I have made. Thinking about those times where I cried in my hotel room because I didn't know what to do, or where I would end up always keeps me motivated.
This is the most inspiring thing I've read on here in a long time. :) Good for you, and thank you for sharing!
At the same time a new club opened up. I decided to take a shot at at being an exotic dancer, in hopes of earning enough money quickly to wipe out my divorce debts and actually being able to save money towards my son's future college education. I was pretty successful at this from the beginning. I then took advantage of a few opportunities to migrate to 'better' clubs, and subsequently expand ( pun intended ) into featuring, magazines, an adult website, etc.
After about 12 years, I managed to not only pay off my debts and buy a house, but also to save up enough money to fund my son's college education, and also to save / invest enough additional money to allow me to 'retire' from the exotic dancing / adult entertainment world.
Now that my son is away at college, I had the choice of continuing to live in my home state of NY and return to being a Respiratory Therapist ( or some other straight job) in order to pay all of the taxes due on my 'passive' investment income as well as the taxes due on a straight job paycheck, or to circumvent the taxes and live rather comfortably on my 'passive' income alone. I chose the latter, and am now on a 'permanent vacation' way south of the US border ... where up to $91k per year in 'passive' income is now free of US and NY taxes, and where the local cost of living is FAR less expensive than it was in NY. I will also add that my son loves to visit on semester breaks ( since I now live within relatively easy driving distance of Cancun LOL - 'hey, I thought you came down here to visit ME !' )
As for me, dancing has helped me pay for college, pay off my car, put a down payment on a house, and start paying off credit card debt. Now I am teaching English as a Second Language at a middle school here in town. It is in an at-risk, 70% poverty ridden school, where over half the kids are either involved in gangs or have family invovled in gangs, or are illegal immigrant kids. This is what I have always wanted to do, so I am glad that dancing has gotten me here. :)
At the same time a new club opened up. I decided to take a shot at at being an exotic dancer, in hopes of earning enough money quickly to wipe out my divorce debts and actually being able to save money towards my son's future college education. I was pretty successful at this from the beginning. I then took advantage of a few opportunities to migrate to 'better' clubs, and subsequently expand ( pun intended ) into featuring, magazines, an adult website, etc.
After about 12 years, I managed to not only pay off my debts and buy a house, but also to save up enough money to fund my son's college education, and also to save / invest enough additional money to allow me to 'retire' from the exotic dancing / adult entertainment world.
Now that my son is away at college, I had the choice of continuing to live in my home state of NY and return to being a Respiratory Therapist ( or some other straight job) in order to pay all of the taxes due on my 'passive' investment income as well as the taxes due on a straight job paycheck, or to circumvent the taxes and live rather comfortably on my 'passive' income alone. I chose the latter, and am now on a 'permanent vacation' way south of the US border ... where up to $91k per year in 'passive' income is now free of US and NY taxes, and where the local cost of living is FAR less expensive than it was in NY. I will also add that my son loves to visit on semester breaks ( since I now live within relatively easy driving distance of Cancun LOL - 'hey, I thought you came down here to visit ME !' )
Wow Melonie! I am sure I speak for many when I say I hope that one day I can accomplish what you have in your career! You are one amazing woman.
All of you are!
It has been such a hard time lately but I am trying to be more positive, and this is just what I needed. All of you are so inspiring! Ty for all of your replies and I hope there are many more to come.
Right now I'm trying to save 50k to start a restaurant. I've meet a lot of interesting people dancing (dancers and customers) and they've definitely brightened my outlook on life.
I was kicked out of my highschool when I was 17 because the school found out that my legal guardian (my mother, who was a mentally unstable alcoholic and had extreme depression) had moved out of the state without me.
I was alone in my city, working 2 minumum wage jobs and was forced to drop out of highschool which has made the entire college process really hard for me. I would have panic attacks almost daily. I had considered many things for survival such as prostituting myself if I ever had to. I never did.
Fast foward to moving to Miami.
I was a 19 year-old bartender in South Beach (Miami). I worked at a really slow bbq restaraunt and bar and made about $400 a week, I worked 5 days a week and had to take a two hour bus ride to get to work everyday.
My mother had chose to cut herself off of all the meds she was perscribed to and was drinking heavily. She was mentally and physically abusive towards me. I was living with her at the time.
I dreamed of being in college like most of my high school friends were. While many of them were already messing up their college careers by partying and slacking off, all I wanted was a chance to be in college. I wanted to study medicine, maybe even oncology since I had lost many people to cancer. My mother knew about my goals and never assisted me, she never even told me she was proud.
One morning I woke up to the sight of my mom rummaging through my purse. My wallet was in one of her hands and I had already suspected her of stealing from me in the past. I would have loaned her money if she would ask, but we barely spoke to one another. In my half-asleep state, I mumbled "bitch" at her. I woke up to her hitting my head and scratching my eyes, it hurt so bad my eyes were burning. I cried all morning until I went to work. I felt so low that day. If I had any $ in the bank whatsoever, I would have left that day. I then vowed to myself that I would never, ever let myself be in this kind of situation again. Thats when I put two and two together and said "I'm gonna strip and never rely on anybody again" to myself. I went to work that day (bartending at a shitty place), quit two days later, and auditioned at the club I work at today.
Anyways, now I am 20 and I'm in community college, I want to be a dentist. Before I started dancing I wanted to study journalisim, but now that I work for myself I dont think I could work 9-5 office style ever!
I have a car, I live in Miami and take frequent trips to travel destinations in Florida. I now have a fulfilling social life and no one is beating the shit out of me! :D
I take a lot of road trips out-of-state, like to Savannah (one of my fav cities) and to New England (Where I grew up). My dream now is to get accepted into Tufts (or another equally elite Boston school) and one day own enough rental properties to live off of. I also have a pooch that I love to death and a loving man who treats me like a queen.
My self-esteem is through the roof because of dancing. I love myself :). Sometimes I even feel like I'm on the brink of something special (does that make sense? I don't know what that something is, but I definatly feel it).
i wouldnt reccomend dancing to everyone, but its totally changed my life for the better ;D
Oh yeah, awesome thread idea
I was an elementary school teacher, until I couldn’t afford to eat. My paycheck just barely covered rent, car payment and insurance. I fell into dancing with the idea of “just until I finish graduate school and pay off Visa….” That was almost a decade ago. Since then, I have embraced the industry and all the opportunities that it offers smart, business-savvy women who are willing to stand up to the societal stereotypes.
During the dot.com craze, I was making great money and didn’t know what to do with it. The more I made, the more I spent, with most of it going towards rent in California. By 2002 I was drowning in consumer debt and filed for bankruptcy. I identified my mistakes, vowed to never make them again, and began my personal journey towards financial literacy.
In January 2004 I took the Naked Assets DancerWealth sales training class in Las Vegas. Although there have been several copy-cats, Naked Assets is the Original Stripper Sales Training School founded by Adam Sternberg that has been featured in Playboy Magazine, 20/20, and CityLife Magazine. Taking the DancerWealth course was the turning point of my dancing career. Afterwards, I began to experience massive success at closing lapdance and champagne room sales. DancerWealth also inspired me to begin my own journey into personal development. I started with the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.
Three years later I began blogging about how to be a successful stripper on Myspace. I even coined the term “SuperStripper” to describe the mindset and process of running a stripping business. The blog blossomed into a fabulous community of like-minded entertainers and those who aspired to become a SuperStripper.
In May of 2008, I assumed majority ownership of Naked Assets. In addition to the original DancerWealth course, I created the DancerWise and DancerVictory courses to coach entertainers towards SupperStripperdom. My personal goal is to continue dancing until I am Financially Free. This means that I have enough passive income from my investments to cover my living expenses. Becoming a SuperStripper has been a life changing experience for me. When I'm old and bleached blonde, I'll reflect on my stripper experience with fond memories and positive thoughts. Despite the social stigma of being "a stripper" I revel in proving them wrong!
(I am bumping this thread because I am loving all the stories here and would love to hear more!)
My Mom has been pushing and pushing and pushing for me to go back to school, but I had a bit of an epiphany the other week. I decided that I didn't want to do it, and I wasn't going to.
Now that I know all the money I make isn't going into some savings account my Mom has for me (of which I have no information at all, no account number, nothing) which will be spent on tuition, all of the sudden my earnings have skyrocketed. I want to fix my credit, and get my own place again, and I want to have nice things in it, and I want to travel. So I've already planned a trip to London next month to meet up with my boyfriend, and I'm looking at apartments in the area.
I feel like now that I can do what I want with my money, all of the sudden I've become noticeably happier and more motivated. I've always wanted to travel extensively, and while I've managed a small bit of it until now, I've realized I can make enough money to go abroad if I want to. And I can have my own wonderful place to come back to whenever I want. I'm feeling more optimistic about it than I have in a long time.
This was the start of something bigger I began doing dancer costumes and opened a business what seemed like fun turned into something that ended up changing my whole life and way of thinking. 20 years later we still sell exotic dancer costumes, bikinis, and have another site we are working on for dancers /industry. This business opened up a whole new way of thinking for me and i would never change a thing.
Its still funny to me that people will go oh you used to be a dancer then give you that dopey look yes i was a dancer and i would do it again the best thing that i ever stumbled into.
I have had many friends in the industry that have been able to go to school, take great care of there children, open businesses that they would never have been able to do without dancing.I may be off the stage now but never out of the industry.
Best advice do what makes you happy and keep your money and your men separate
This business was a tremendous help for me as well.I won't go into details,but if it wasn't for it,I probably would have not made it in this country,having been here very young and without family.
Anyways......for some ODD, anti-intuitive reason, the time I spent dancing CURED ME (of that anger anyhow). I felt (and still feel) that I, more than anything, just UNDERSTOOD men now. I could let their stares and comments on the street or at my "real" job slide without popin off.
Who knew?
Great thread.
I started dancing at 21 in my 3rd year of college. I had been working a low paying retail job and was still living at my parents' house because I couldn't afford my own place... it was horrible, they were always fighting and my dad and I didn't get along. Having two jobs was killing my grades in school, so I eventually decided, fuck it, I'm going to waitress at a strip club. They hired me, and two months later I started stripping and was able to afford my own apartment with roommates.
I bought all my own furniture, bought a new laptop and a desk for school, and graduated a semester early with awesome grades because my schedule was so much lighter than before.
Now I'm kicking those roommates out, and I have enough money to pay all my own bills and have my own place all to myself, for the first time. It's the best feeling ever. Dancing really puts you through the ringer, puts you face to face with your strengths and weaknesses. But it can give you so much freedom -- I feel like a lot of us here have gotten to places in our lives that it would have taken years and years to reach otherwise.
Before I was a stripper I was completely broke, continuously getting deeper into debt, barely being able to afford gas to put in my shitty car to get to work and pretty miserable when I was at work. There was no way I'd be able to pay for school, I didn't have anyone to rely on financially to help me if there was an emergency, and I was going nowhere in life.
I've worked my way up with stripping. I first started at a peepshow, which didn't pay great but it paid well (does that make sense?). I was able to use this money to buy myself a better car, which I now use for working bachelor parties. I've used that money to save up for an apartment close to where I plan on going to school and buy a laptop. I now also work at a club in the area I'm moving to, so I'm set up to go back to school and be financially taken care of! I've also made great friends, gained confidence, gotten really good at speaking my mind (this was a huge weakness for me), and my body has gotten much stronger too.
The very best thing though, is the assurance that even in tough times I will manage.
I started dancing back when I was 19. I actually come from a great family and we are all very close. My boyfriend in high school's mom was a stripper back when he was growing up and she just made it sound so fun I wanted to try it. I was taking 43 units in college and going year round to get it done. I came out to Vegas with some friends since my family had a home out here. Back in 1999 you could dance at clubs with alcohol under 21 you just needed a wrist band. I got hired at Cheetah's, danced for 3 nights and LOVED it so I started to come out every week or two to dance. As soon as I was done with school I told my parents that I wanted to put off my job and move out to Vegas to dance. Where I am from in Orange County that was very irregular but I have awesome parents and when I showed them the numbers and benefits they both agreed it was much smarter than the route I was originally going to go. I was also very lucky that because of dancing, I was able to spend a lot of time with my grandfather for the last 2 years of his life and after he did pass in 2001 I bought their Vegas home to keep it in the family.
Dancing has allowed me to have ZERO debt with the exception of my mortgage on my home in Vegas which is almost paid off at this point. I paid cash for all my vehicles, all my toys, my second home in So Cal. I was able to take 21 months off and travel, be involved in a couple of businesses that provide me great extra income, fully fund my retirement, and make some amazing friends along the way. I was also very lucky that from early on, my family was very good at teaching us to be financially responsible, so from day 1 of dancing I have always put at least the first 10% aside for myself. For most of my dancing career I have saved 25% off the top.
I don't dance very much anymore, in fact tomorrow will be my first day back in 3 months, but I miss it and my husband is out of town so now is the perfect time to call up my regulars and spend a couple nights shaking my thing.
That was only six months ago.
A ridiculously good massage
Want a Ridiculously Good Massage???
Not only do I have a lot of skill, I also know how to hold space for you to be exactly who you are -- and be relaxed, accepted, honored, safe, supported, and yes, feel pleasure beyond belief.
I'm in my early 40s -- young enough to be attractive, old enough to have emotional presence and maturity. I'm tall, fit and attractive. I get a lot of compliments.
You may not have someone in your life right now to touch you in the ways you deserve.
You may have a partner that isn't available or attentive enough, or doesn't know how to touch you how you need it.
Or you might just want a new experience, to make life a little richer.
Contact me so I can tell you more about myself and what I'll do for you. I'll answer all your questions and discuss how I can meet your needs.
I'm ready to give you blissful relaxation and pleasure
exercise friend, with hot showers/massages after
Married Men only
Often times over the course of a marriage, the husband takes his wife for granted. The originality, the spontaneity and romantic gestures, caring conversations, long lasting kissing sessions, looking deep into each other's eyes, all those sweet little things that in the beginning made her fall for him are forgotten. And unfortunately that is how the magic is lost and in most cases never rekindled. Intense lovemaking and intimacy is replaced by a predictable sexual routine. Gradually, both the husband and wife grow apart a little bit every day until one day they feel like complete strangers to one another. This leaves both parties desiring what is missing elsewhere.
The husbands find the thrills outside of the marriage with escorts, at massage parlors, co-workers and etc . . .. . ... As sex to them is a physical act not necessarily attached to any sort of emotional feelings! Husbands who have affairs can be romantic and passionate with the new woman, unfortunately not with their own wives.
So what happens to the woman? The woman more than the husband needs to be noticed, cared for, be complimented, heard and romanced. Although women are very sexual the majority require forming some sort of a bond with a male other than their husbands to be able to have sex outside of marriage. And that requires time, time to meet someone, time to get to know that person and feel comfortable with him. Someone discreet and trustable because the last thing the wife wants is to make a bad situation worse by others finding out about a private affair since in most cases even though the marriage may not been working in some aspects, the wife generally is not interested in terminating the marriage for an affair. Although the affair is at times necessary for the wife so at least for a brief moment, escape the pressures of everyday married life and introduce some pleasure and excitement into her daily life.
I am a very attractive, articulate, classy, passionate, cultured, very romantic, adventurous, educated, discreet and well-traveled male. Although never married I understand the inner workings of married life well, both the positive aspects and the difficulties.
I understand that time is something that is limited for the wife and that absolute discretion and privacy are the most essential elements.
Now weather, we share thoughts via email or phone conversations, or meet and talk over drinks and coffee, or if we develop an intimate and discreet relationship, I look forward to the experience.
If what you just read is something you have been thinking about or is exactly what you have been looking for, I want you to contact me.
Best Wishes
Friday, March 25, 2016
My interracial beliefs on dating as a black woman
Because some Black women still believe that if they date out of their race they are being a sell out. Some still have this dream of the strong black man, and that you are supposed to stick by them. A lot are still loyal to this notion. A lot of our mothers are to blame as well, they try to get us to stick to this notion. I disagree, I was taught to date who treats you right. We are slowly starting to learn this though. It makes me so happy to see a Black woman in an interracial relationship, because that means another one has stepped outside of the box. Out of all the races in America, it seems to be taking Black women and Asian men the longest to do this. I think we should broaden our horizon and get with the program. I am open to all races... Personally I am too picky and have too many requirements and standards to add race to the list. I am willing to date men of every race, but sometimes I am guilty of looking at Black men first, but only because that is what I am familiar with.
First of all my belief is all black men are the most feared race in the world they are they're most threatening because they're the most appealing to every other female race culturally, sexually, spiritually, economically for the continuous growth of a strong future family gene pool. Breaking it all down proves it is purely mathematical equation. If you talk to 100 black women and get one decent one, and you talk with 100 white women and get twenty decent women, it just makes mathematical and economic sense to date the women with whom you would have spent the most amount of time and had the least financial burden. Many black women would yell out, that’s because white women are easy! We respectfully disagree, especially regarding Swedish white women in America; ask Tiger Woods about his ex-wife, Elin Nordegren. They are anything but easy and are as tough as black women, mainly because they have no idea they’re white. Being white is an American ideology and culture. So, let’s begin with the first equation; let’s do the simple math, 100 dates, 100 dinners, 100 checks, (plus interests and fees if using a credit card), 100 tips and no guarantees. You’ll be lucky to get a thank you, and at the end of it all may have one real prospect. What would you do? Who would you date? Many young American black women are broken, mentally, spiritually and financially. Do the math. If more black men dated outside of their race they would actually own more assets, houses, possibly stocks and be able to cover the basics like health and life insurance, (which would cut police brutality against the black man practically in half, because they would not be constantly spending their hard earn dollars on woman after woman trying to find a good one. Racism exists partly because most young black men do not have expensive life insurance policies if they have one at all. We all agree that when a black man finds a good American black woman there is nothing more beautiful, but look at the effort that it takes to find that one. It makes no economic sense.
Now, you take the same equation, flip it around and take 100 white women, the odds are that you will find 20 out of that 100. Many black women would disagree with this, because they are not dating themselves; they only see it from their perspective. Why is it that when you go to dinner with a black woman, 9 times out of 10 she will never leave a tip? Why does the white or Asian woman offer or leave a tip? They all have jobs. Why is it when you go to the club and buy a black woman a drink she will take the drink and walk off like you are nothing? Why is it that the white or Asian woman will buy you a drink? The drink the black woman walked off with was $10, which is a little more than the equivalent of an average man’s hourly wages, or 1/8 of his work day and 9 times out of 10 the black woman got in the club free. What would you do? Who would you date? Why is it that you have to be in a Mercedes, BMW or Bentley just for her to give you some attention? Why do you have to wear a Rolex, the best clothes, the best shoes in order for her to be nice to you? Have you ever looked across the table at a white woman and the man she is dating? He can be the bummest dresser, he may even be driving an old car, but she is sitting right there up under his arm. Black people did this in the 60’s and early 70’s, and we had more love and unity. But, today it is not good enough for the majority of American black women. Today you have to keep up with the Jones’s or you get no action.
A high desire for material possessions is not just limited to the black race, but it’s spirit dominates the American black woman. Every man, especially black men, know the key to getting into a black woman’s pants is through money and success. The basics are: nice car, nice clothes, and at bare minimum his own apartment. All of these are depreciating assets, but these are the prerequisites to obtaining the woman of his desire. The majority of black men focus on these goals, not because they want it for themselves, but because they have to have it in order to attract the American black woman. This is why less black men own homes, and look for the quickest route to the money. They desire to become rappers, athletes or drug dealers, all because they know money attracts a black woman, so they try to find the quickest way to obtain it so they can get the prize. The majority of black men in jail are there because they were trying to obtain the riches to please this very same woman and failed. They often took the path of least resistance to reach their goals, which ultimately equals less black men in college. In fact, every race knows money attracts an American black woman, including our large department stores such as Macy’s, Target, Marshalls, Nordstrom’s, etc, and the list goes on. Indeed, the entire American economy knows that black women in America spend the most money, period. This also relates to the American black population in general, including President Obama’s past campaign spending, being the first black president.
He indeed broke the campaign spending record. There are purposely more stores for women and the biggest of all consumers’ is the American black woman, followed by the American black man trying to please that woman.
The biggest of all consumers are women. It doesn’t just apply to black women but all races. But the biggest consumer of women is American black women. Therefore they have the most desire for money and the least practical means to generate it. Their desire for money matched with the fact that most black people do not have access to money has sucked true love and common sense right out of the black race. The “Spirit of Materialism”, dominates the woman who is the biggest spender and consumer of goods and services.
We’re not talking about every single American black woman as there are still some good black women in America (Proverbs 31), but between cable TV, BET, MTV, CNN, clubs and videos, most have been programmed not to love and support their black men. Black women desire the love they see on popular television shows such as “Friends”, without realizing their actions are contrary to the results they desire. The truth is a lot of black men end up with women from other races because these women were nice to them and accepted them for who they are and their current status in life. My name doesn’t have to be Snoop Dog for the White, Asian, or Hispanic woman to say hello and be nice to me. I didn’t have to be 7 ft tall with an NBA contract or be a rapper named Lil Wayne. If you took Lil Wayne and made him a regular, normal person without the name, he would get no play. American black women would tell him to get his teeth fixed, hair cut and tattoos removed, and they certainly would not take him home to their mommas. He would get no play. No offense to Lil Wayne, I’m proud of you bro. Keep doing what you are doing. Snoop dog is another. If his name was not Snoop Dog, with the success, fame and money, American black women would not give him the time of day if he asked, but would certainly get mad at the white woman for being nice and giving him the time. “It’s 5pm Snoopy Doggy.” Educated American black women from corporate America would certainly not give him any play. The only reason Snoop Dog gets play is, because Snoop Dog has money. It has nothing to do with whether he is a nice person or not. Sorry Snoop we love you dog, but we have to tell it like it is. His play would be minimum, if any, and it would be reduced, unfortunately, to the lower class hood rats of his former neighborhood, North Long Beach. It’s so easy to see that all the men with money, or who appear to have money attract all of the American black women. Then, black women in America wonder why there are no black men. It’s not that there are no black men, it’s just we are invisible to the American black women if we do not fit the height, roll and description that there mama told them to bring home, or the image they saw on TV. There are plenty of black men; it just so happens that the white, Asian, and Hispanic women find, recognize and appreciate us first.
If we are not driving a Mercedes, BMW, or Bently, and are only driving a Honda Civic, we are invisible and will not be noticed by the American black woman. Don’t be mad when the White girl, Asian girl, and Hispanic girl says,” Hey if you don’t have a ride, I will drive you”.
In fact, the only time an American black woman wants to look at a black man who does not fit the description is when he is with another race or on the 6 or 11 o’clock news for committing a crime. “Hey girl did you see what so and so did?” Any other time that man would be invisible. When a black woman in American acts like she is disgusted with a black man being with a woman from another race, what is she really saying to herself? She’s saying he must have something material, which is why the white, Asian, or Hispanic woman is with him. Therefore, he should not be with her. He should be with a black woman. They could care less whether he is happy or not.
Little does that American black woman know he is the same black man that said “Hi” to her 100 times. But, a simple, “Hello, how are you doing today,” was not good enough for her. Little does that black woman know, he only said “Hi” to her counter parts 10 times and out of the 10 times 2 of those women said “Hi” to him. Most black women think a white woman’s only claim to fame is that they give and survive off of great blow jobs. They fail to see their own errors, which are the simple facts that they were not nice or kind to their own brother.
If you look at TV and observe all the famous American black female movie stars, how often do you see this movie star dating a regular black man who works at Home Depot, or the Fire Department, for example. The biggest insult of all time is Oprah Winfrey and Stedman Graham, who has been dating an American black woman billionaire for over 20 years. All black women look up to and basically worship Oprah. Oprah insults black men and tears the very fabric of our family structure apart, perhaps unknowingly. She showed black women around the world on a daily basis that, although she raves about dream weddings and pays millions of dollars to showcase them, she never once showed other black women how important her black man was by marrying him. No contract. No marriage. He was always kept in the background. She is a prime example of the current mind state of how black women in American view black men. If you do not make a man feel important or needed, why would he want to come home and be with you?
Oprah’s example is contrary to what is taught in the black church and the majority of most church houses in the American community at large. Oprah is excused, accepted and looked up to because she has money. Most do not realize that Oprah is perhaps still recovering from her many awful childhood experiences. Don’t get us wrong, we love, respect, and thank Oprah for all of her contributions. She is one dynamic woman. Even so, we must still be honest about how we feel as men looking from the outside. A house and a family must have structure Someone has to be the boss and someone has to be the second in command. It’s no different than any American corporate structure. Marriage is a contract, marriage is a business. The serpent understood this very concept in Adam and Eve. So he approached the woman instead of the man who was the head, to deceive the man through his back door. Society has replaced that serpent in the garden, and has influenced American black women through jobs, promotions, and riches to not reach back and give a helping hand to their brother, protector, companion and lover, the black man. Women from other races desire money and riches as well, we all want nice things, but their desire is not as great as the majority of black women in America. They do not necessarily have to drive a Mercedes and own the best furs along with all the pressures of trying to keep up with the Joneses to feel good and validate themselves. Perhaps women from other races have found themselves lonely and looked over and saw that the black man was not being loved. It is better to have companionship even if it is with a dog than be in a cold world by yourself. How many times have you seen a white woman driving with a black man sitting on the passenger side? You can only conclude that this black man doesn’t have a car, but yet she is still driving him.
At the end of the day it is simple mathematics mixed with a little bit of kindness; do unto others as you would want them to do unto you. So many times have I witnessed black men treating the American black women, buying them drinks, flying them around the country; and I can count on one hand on average how many times I have seen an American black woman return the favor. The ones that return the favor easily position themselves to become the wives. When more black men understand what it is to make an investment, they will clearly be able to see that the time spent chasing the American black woman was not worth the effort. At the end of the day, when black men are too old to run and chase black women, they will realize they have been bamboozled. Once they realize this, they will no longer just date black women because it does not make economic or mathematical sense. They will look back on all the time, money and effort spent and realize they could have purchased a home, stocks, health and life insurance, and paid for a child’s college education. We are the biggest consumers, and to be a consumer means we are not investing in assets that appreciate. We only invest in assets that depreciate. Cars, clothes, cell phone bills, apartments, and eating out are all things that hold no future value. This is why intelligent black men, if they did the math will date outside their race.
All black men dating outside of their race are not necessarily smart and intelligent, but what they know on the most basic level is that this person likes them for who they are, whether they are rich or poor. This is beyond what most American black women are willing to do. If you do not have the “Bling-Bling”, the majority of American black women are not trying to speak to you. The only way attractive American black women will speak to you, if you don’t have any money, is if you are over 6 ft tall, look like a model, good hair, muscle bound, and have a certain skin complexion. If you are average in height and looks, these attributes are not good enough by themselves.
The men that fit this description sexually runs through American black woman like it isn’t funny. The proverbial faucet is always running, and they run through the majority of American black women like it’s nothing but a game. Usually the men that are having sex with them are friends of the guy that is totally invisible. We just sit back, observe and say, “Wow”. Being a nice human being simply isn’t good enough. What makes it so bad is that the corruption with the American black woman runs deep. It runs all the way back to the grandmother and sometimes even the great grandmother and beyond.
The end result is that all black women suffer for the actions of the now quadrupling amounts of black women want black men to stay focused on the prize, the black woman has to by force if necessary, smack, pull, prod and teach every single ignorant black woman, that is running like a fool, how to act in a respectful manner, just like we took responsibility for our community 40 and 50 years ago. If you saw someone that was doing something dumb, it didn’t matter, you took responsibility. Little does one know that the actions of a few have now become the culture of many American black women, has now multiplied exponentially, and is affecting the entire population of American black women. Birds of a feather flock together syndrome.
This is why other races of women are beating out American black women; it’s because there is too much ignorance, and it’s hurting all black women chances to find and keep the black man of their dreams. Do the math, the numbers will never lie. If black women did the math, I think they would be in agreement. I know it’s a hard core truth and many may not like it or agree, but sometimes you have to break it down to its very foundation just to rebuild it correctly. At the end of the day, black men would, of course, love to be with an American black woman who is down with him like our First lady, Michelle Obama, is for President Obama. But, please remember it was our President that used to drive a bucket, who one day became the President of the United States of America and Leader of the Free world.